Weekly Class Apparel
Woods School T-shirt
Navy shorts or leggings (no jeans)
Dance shoes (Black ballet slippers are completely acceptable for new beginners)
Hair must be tied back neatly in a ponytail or bun
You can purchase Woods School logo gear for weekly classes from Lands End. Our Preferred School Number is 900132366. You may order anything navy blue (Shirts, shorts, jackets, etc) and have Woods School Logo added.
Girls may also wear the Malley Apparel "fancy" shorts, shorts & sweatsuits. Malley Apparel items are ordered through Ms. Peggy during September. Once they arrive they will be distributed during class. So please be sure to put them in under a name we will recognize.
Recital Apparel
Students participating in the spring recital & local events can wear the same items as students competing at the preBeginner/Beginner/Advanced level (see details below)
Competition Apparel
All Dancers will need to wear:
Dance shoes
Poodle Socks
PreBeginner/ Beginner/Advanced Beginner:
White peter pan collared button-down shirt and navy blue jumper or blue Woods School costume.. Blue Woods School costumes are ordered from Aspire by Peggyl in the fall. Please note sizing is NOT comparable to US clothing sizes. The measurement chart will help you determine proper size.
Hair is to be neat. Either, curled half up half down with a bow or bun wig (Camelia Rose Alliyah preferred) with a bow.
please wear neon green bow for local events​
·Novice/Prizewinner costumes:
Blue School Costume created by Aspire or Solo Dress
Hair is to be neat and tidy. Dancers must wear a wig (Camelia Rose Alliyah or Brigid preferred) with a hairpiece
​​Dancers who have qualified for the Novice level are allowed to purchase solo dresses that NEED to be approved by the teachers before they are purchased.
Wigs and other hair accessories
Reel Celtic Beauty carries a large supply of items for Feises.
Ghillies & Poodle Socks
Girls may wear special Irish Dancing pumps called “Ghillies” or “Soft Shoes”. You can purchase used shoes through Devlin Dance Shoes. ​